PDF Master- A Side Project

The POC will harness the capabilities of Python and the ChatGPT API, offering a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in technical development while simultaneously crafting an intuitive user interface.

Project Overview

The goal of this project PDF Master is to enhance skills in both product management and engineering by creating a proof of concept (POC). This POC will leverage Python and the ChatGPT API. The project aims to provide practical experience in technical development and designing a user-friendly interface for the POC.


In the context of this side project, I took on the roles of both Product Manager and Engineer. My responsibilities included overseeing the app's development and deployment while also actively contributing to the technical development. The goal was a POC leveraging various technologies to build a PDF-based chatbot that could be used to converse with the user.


Handling PDF documents to talk to an AI LLM efficiently is a common challenge faced by individuals and businesses.

Specific Challenges

Efficiently parsing and extracting content from one or more PDF documents. Developing an AI-driven system capable of generating contextually relevant questions from the content. Ensuring the questions generated are accurate and useful for users. Providing a user-friendly interface for uploading and managing multiple PDFs.


I built this site with ❤ leveraging React, Tailwind CSS, Astro JS and vercel deployment.